RDM (Novel) Chapter 454

C 454


The woman let out a faint sigh and got up from the bed.

The dazzling sunlight gently caressed her bare skin.

The woman frowned for a moment and looked out the window. Even though it was covered with a thick cloth, the sunlight crept in.

She then shifted her gaze to the bed.

A man was sleeping beside her.

The marks of her nails were clearly visible on his back. The man had made love so fiercely the night before that he still couldn't get out of his sleep.

The woman looked at the man's face for a moment before getting up from the bed.

There was a basin of water prepared for washing on one side of the room.

After a quick wash, she walked to her dressing table and took a moment to look at her face in the mirror.

Her own beautiful face was reflected on the other side.

Her fair skin and decadent eyes were captivating.

She stared at her face for a long time before she started applying the makeup.

Her already beautiful face became even more radiant.

The woman smiled, quite pleased with her make-up today.

She stood up and put on her clothes one by one.

As she put on her last piece of cloth, the man who had been curled up in bed woke up.

"Yeowol, are you already up?"

The man hurriedly got out of bed.

The woman, So Yeowol, approached the man with a bright smile.

The man's eyes were as sharp as blades when he woke up.

His name was Song Cheonwoo.

So Yeowol liked the sharp gaze of Song Cheonwoo.

He was the only person in the world she truly trusted.

"You could've slept more."

"I'm fully awake now."

"Then let's go outside. I'm hungry."


Song Cheonwoo cleared the blankets and got up from his spot.

His naked body was exposed, but So Yeowol didn't blush at all.

It was because they had already seen each other's bodies countless times and had shared their love.

His naked body was full of scars.

Most of them were from fighting to protect her.

So Yeowol thought she owed a great debt to Song Cheonwoo.

It seemed unlikely that she would be able to repay that debt in this lifetime.

So Yeowol picked up the clothes that had fallen on the floor and helped him put them on one by one.

After dressing him and adjusting his clothes, she finally gave a satisfied smile.

"Let's go!"


The two of them walked out of the room side by side.

Their residence was surrounded by high walls.

Inside the completely enclosed walls, there was not even a single blade of grass, making it desolate.

The two of them opened a small door and stepped outside.

The scenery outside was different from the inside.

Various pavilions and gardens were well-tended, and people were busily working, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

Although the two of them had come out, no one paid any attention to them. It was because they had completely erased their presence.

They were like ghosts in the manor.

Though they definitely existed and lived among the other people, there were very few who actually recognized them.

It was a very strange scene.

Two people whose appearance was enough to draw attention to themselves, and yet they were completely unnoticed.

In the manor, they were called ghosts.

It was because they existed, but only a few recognized them.

They left the manor and headed to a nearby inn.

Their destination was an old inn without even a proper signboard.

It was run by an elderly couple.

The husband cooked in the kitchen, and the wife served customers at the counter, operating in a traditional manner.

The elderly innkeeper, now in the twilight of his life, had reached a high level of culinary skill.

His dishes were not extravagant but were delicate, and though they were not overly stimulating, they had a deep flavor.

So Yeowol and Song Cheonwoo disliked stimulating food.

Strong stimulation could dull the senses. That's why they frequented the old inn without a signboard.


The elderly woman greeted the two of them.

The inhibition of their presence occurred when they were among many people. When facing them directly like this, the inhibition disappeared.

As they sat down, the woman asked,

"Shall I bring you the usual?"


"Just wait a moment."

The woman bowed her head to the two of them and then approached the kitchen.

So Yeowol looked around the inn.

Perhaps because it was an odd time, there were no other customers inside the inn.

So Yeowol thought it was better this way. She didn't like eating with other people.

Song Cheonwoo opened his mouth.

"It looks like we can enjoy a quiet meal today."

"Would you like a drink?"

"No, thanks!"

"You're not very flexible..."

At Song Cheonwoo's reply, So Yeowol slightly shook her head.

Song Cheonwoo looked at So Yeowol carefully.

"I guess it's because of Pyo Wol."


"I understand! My feelings are complicated too. Whenever Pyo Wol was involved in the underground cave, problems got tangled up."

"What I don't understand is where his strength comes from. He obviously lived with us and learnt the same martial arts as us, so how does he have such a unique strength?"

"He's always been secretive. Maybe he learned it before he got trapped in the underground cave."

"Like us?"

"Yes, like us."

"No! We've already checked that. It's clear that he really didn't know anything when he entered the underground cave."

So Yeowol frowned at her delicate eyebrows.

It had always been like that with Pyo Wol.

He was incomprehensible by general common sense, so getting involved with him made one's head spin like a tangled thread.

Song Cheonwoo said,

"Do you think he'll come this far?"

"He will definitely come, because he can't live after being beaten."

"We've placed watchmen at the crossroads leading to Sichuan province. As soon as he shows up, we'll get the news."

"Do you think those watchmen can even detect him if he's really determined to come here?"


This time, Song Cheonwoo agreed with So Yeowol's opinion.

Not just Pyo Wol.

Any child who had learned how to kill in the underground cave had that level of ability.

Although the Blood Shadow Group, which raised assassins in the underground cave, was just a small to medium-sized group of assassins operating in Sichuan province, their method of raising assassins was very efficient.

The time spent training in the underground cave was a hellish experience for them as well.


However, their martial prowess proved that the training was very effective.

A body developed to the extreme, a keen sense of survival, and a killing technique beyond imagination.

There was no better way to harden a human body.

At least, not as far as they knew, so they recreated the experience, creating the same environment and training the blood demons.

The advantage of training in the underground cave was that they could mass-produce blood demons with low cost.

Thanks to this, the two of them were able to create their own territory within the Guryongsalmak at a very fast pace.

A short while later, the meal was served.


The amount of food was quite a lot for two people.

So Yeowol and Song Cheonwoo also ate sparingly like Pyo Wol.

They were extremely cautious about greasiness sticking to their bodies.

They teased their chopsticks and ate little by little. As they nibbled and chewed, they ate very slowly.

That's when it happened.

"You still eat with such small bites."

A burly man entered the room, opening the door to the inn.

His shaggy hair fell to his shoulders, making it impossible to see his face, but his massive torso, clad in a sea otter skin robes, gave him away.

"Go... Il won?"

"It's been a while."

Without asking permission, the large man called Go Il-won sat down at the table where So Yeowol and Song Cheonwoo were eating.

Go Il-won spoke as he looked at So Yeowol's face.

"You're still beautiful."

"Did you just come back now?"

"Ah! I came up to the land after a long time, and I feel so out of place. I guess I'm not suited for life on land."

"That's to be expected after being on the water for so long, but what brings you here?"

"What's the problem with me coming to my own house?"

Go Il-won asked, brushing his hair back.

His revealed features were very intense.

Angular jaw, large facial features, and most of all, fierce eyes like a lion.

His face was tanned from years spent at sea. But that didn't diminish his fierceness.

So Yeowol thought Go Il-won was like a lion.

With those intense eyes, aggressive expressions, and a strong fighting spirit.

It seemed like this is what a lion would look like if it were reincarnated as a human.

So Yeowol nodded and replied.

"There's no problem."

"Then that's settled."


"It seems like you two won't be able to finish all this food. Can I share some?"

"Please do."

"Thanks! I was hungry after a long journey."

Go Il-won began eating the food the two had been eating.

The sight of him shoveling food into his mouth with his bare hands made Song Cheonwoo frown for a moment.

Unlike the two who ate sparingly, Go Il-won was a big eater. When he ate, he consumed at least enough food for five people.

So Yeowol called the owner and ordered more food to be brought out.

"Thanks! As always, your intuition is the best in the world."

Go Il-won raised his thumb.

So Yeowol asked.

"How long are you planning to stay this time?"

"Just for a little while. Being on land doesn't really suit me."

"The head of the house will be disappointed."

"They might even like it more."

"But you're family..."

"You know, right? We're a family where blood relations don't mean much."

While talking, his hand didn't stop pushing food into his mouth. It could have looked crude, but it strangely suited him well.

"Ah! Delicious."

Go Il-won wiped the grease from his mouth with his sleeve.

His face showed a satisfied expression.

As if he suddenly remembered something, he opened his mouth.

"Oh! That guy."

"Which guy?"

"The one who was said to have learnt to kill with you."

"Do you mean Pyo Wol?"

"Right! He's called the Reaper in Kangho, isn't he?"


"Do you know where he is?"


"That's too bad."

"Can I know why you're looking for him?"

In response to So Yeowol's question, Go Il-won laughed and answered.

"I have a debt to repay."

"A debt?"

"I lost a ship because of him. That's causing massive delays in transportation."


"Let me know if you find out where he is. I have to at least get the value of a ship back from him."

"It won't be easy. He's not an easy opponent."

"He's just a mere assassin. Oh, sorry! You guys are assassins too, right?"

"Thanks to the Go family, we were raised as assassins. We appreciate that."

"Hehe! If you want to blame someone, blame your parents. Your mother sold you, after all. No one could have predicted that she would sell you like that, and your father would neglect you. But thanks to that, you learned the way of an assassin and came back. It's actually a good thing for you."

"How can you say that? How... I had to endure that hellish time."

"Little brother!"

Suddenly, Go Il-won's atmosphere changed.

The previous relaxed atmosphere disappeared, and he seemed like an angry lion narrowing his eyes.

His presence was so strong that Song Cheonwoo unknowingly held onto the handle of his sword.

Go Il-won knew that, but he didn't even glance at Song Cheonwoo.

"Little sister! Don't expect recognition from this family. That's just how it is. If you want to live long, it's better to let go of your emotions."

"I know. Let's pretend I didn't hear this conversation. I must have been overwhelmed by emotions for a moment."

"That's right. If you have even a bit of Go family blood in you, you should have that much self-control."

Go Il-won stood up from his seat.

He looked at the still tense Song Cheonwoo and chuckled, moving towards the entrance of the guest house.

Just before leaving, he looked back and said,

"Let me know if you ever want to see the sea. I'm the leader of the Ghost Squad after all, so can't I take my younger sibling on a ship?"

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