The Tragedy of The Villainess (Novel) Chapter 14

Chapter 14

 Completely unknown to her, Kalis actually didn't know what to do. However, there was a faint sense of divine power that lingered in him. She felt sick thinking that this was a sign of his connection with Lina.


She only called him by his name, but Kalis's face lit up a bit. She looked at him and said,

—I still feel the divine power of another Stern from you.


—Should I speak more harshly in front of Linon?

It was a sarcastic remark, but Kalis seemed to understand immediately.

Like a slave trying to hide the stigma he is branded with. Yes, that expression was correct. With such a gesture, he made a pained expression, pressing his chest.

—Seria, I...

Then his pupils trembled faintly. He was right in front of her, so she could see the small tremor. However, before she could ask "What is it?", a sound came faster than she intended to make.

—Kalis! Here you are!

She felt fortunate not to have to converse with him. Lina's voice filled the hallway.

—Your Highness, I will send this official letter on your behalf.

After finishing speaking, a guard bowed and left.

There was Lesche, sitting in the office and tapping on the large desk. He was thinking about the High Priest's visit.

It was different from other important visits.

Although there was little alienation about it, since he was the owner of Berg, who was visited by different people every winter.

Moreover, it had been quite some time since the High Priest visited the central castle. There were no more delays.

Originally, he was going to go immediately after finishing his last glacier inspection this winter as the owner of Berg and hosting Stern's wedding, but the work got tangled.

It was then that Lesche frowned.

—Your Highness.

A careful knock was heard, and a castle pastry chef entered. What he brought was none other than a large cake.

—The cake is ready, and I brought it to show you.

Patisa, who left the cake on the table, carefully opened the silver lid.

Lesche frowned and looked at the huge cake. It wasn't something to treat the nobles currently staying in the castle.

In the first place, he didn't want to have anything to do with it, and above all, this cake had a rough look.

Soon after, Lesche, who sent the cake back, left the office.

—Where is Linon?

The knight guarding the door bowed his head and replied,

—He went to Lady Stern's villa, but it's been a while. Should I send someone to find him?

‘Why did he go there?’

Lesche wondered and recalled Linon's sparkling eyes when he looked at Seria.

—I will go.

Lina was quite injured. She was on the back of a Knight. It was easy to guess that her feet were hurt because the bandages were wrapped around them.

‘...Can't she walk?’

The necessary time and place for Stern's wedding were combined, but almost everything else was omitted. No matter how holy she was, Lina didn't seem burdened at all.

What happened to her (Seria) must have been paid for by Lina. It had nothing to do with her.

The drama in front of her room was absurd, but what could she do? So Seria tried to pass them. No matter what kind of conversation the two had, she didn't care anymore.

She thought that until Kalis grabbed her wrist.

—Kalis? —Seria shouted.

Lina's eyes widened at the sight, but he didn't even look at her.

—Sorry, Lina. I need to talk to Seria, so I would like you to rest.

Lina's eyes widened. Tears seemed to fill her eyes soon, but she didn't cry.

Surprisingly, she only spoke in a voice that contained her gentle personality.

—I see. I'll go. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I came here because I wanted to talk to your fiancée...

Lina gave Seria a desperate look, then asked the guard who was carrying her on his back,


—Yes, Saintess?

—Please come a little closer to Kalis's fiancée, no, Lady Seria...

At Lina's request, the guard hurriedly approached Seria. And she thought that if the person standing here were the real Seria, it would have been very disturbing. The knight was, of course, taller than her, so Seria naturally looked at Lina on his back.

—Don't blame Kalis too much, Seria. He wanted to go to the glacier, but he never knew there would be a blizzard...

She only looked at Lina without saying a word, but she was the only one who could respond now. As Seria's silence grew longer, even the knight breathed carefully.


She called Lina by her first name, as Lina had called her. If you don't call someone by their name when you're close, it's rude.

—Didn't you know Kalis was my fiancé?

—Yes! Of course, I knew! But Kalis is my precious friend, so I just wanted to create a beautiful memory one last time...

Lina was crying now.

—Since he is a precious friend, I wanted to create our last memories.

There were many sarcastic remarks. Seria felt like burning.

—Fine. So you've created all those memories, now won't you see Kalis again?

—Yes, Seria...

—I want you to swear by Stern's star in front of me that finally, you made a good memory, so you won't see Kalis again.

Lina's eyes widened. Her pretty eyes filled with tears.

She looked at Kalis with eyes as if she were in a relationship that was forcibly separated. And she looked back at Seria with eyes trembling aimlessly.

—I... I...

The guard carrying Lina, who was involuntarily caught between her and Lina, lowered his eyes. He didn't speak, but it seemed he felt sorry for Lina.

Was it because it was like seeing the villain tormenting a good main character? And that she, Seria, was the villain?

But she endured all she could. She didn't yell or get angry. The reason she could maintain such reason in this situation was the fear of words.

The original Seria was beheaded by Kalis for bullying Lina. As in this situation. Was it because she was afraid that her hands were getting colder and colder?

Belatedly, she realized she had forgotten about the wounds that were bleeding again. She had forgotten a few times. She forgot the pain because characters like bombs kept appearing.

—Hic hic...

Lina was now starting to cry. There were no signs of stopping her tears.

Seria couldn't stay here indefinitely. Lina was on the knight's back, and Kalis was a strong person. Although Seria's body was strong, the open wounds needed to be treated quickly.

When she tried to say she felt sick and needed to go to the main castle, Lina got off the knight's back. Then she grabbed her skirt with trembling hands and bowed to Seria. This was how ladies greeted each other.

—I'm so sorry. On behalf of the saint, I officially apologize... Ugh!



Lina collapsed. Before the guard, who was helping her, was surprised and reached out, Kalis grabbed Lina first and helped her up. Then, he handed Lina to the guard and pulled Seria's wrist.

—Seria... Hey, can you stop now?

Kalis looked distressed.

—She can't even walk, so stop pushing her. This is about you and me. There's no reason to be so narrow-minded with a Saint who knows nothing.

—Kalis, you mean... —She turned her eyes away from him and said. —Anyway, do you want to keep seeing the Saint?

—It's not like that!

—If not, then what?!

—What the hell... What's wrong with you, Seria? You weren't so petty before!

If a person's eyes burst due to high blood pressure, today she would have lost both eyeballs.

She was embarrassed. They were her true feelings. The situation was embarrassing and humiliating, and even her hand got cold.

Her fiancé married another woman, and she fainted after personally apologizing to her. The man who used to be her fiancé got angry at her for being intolerant while carefully lifting Lina.

Wouldn't it have been better if it were just the three of them? However, there were knights and Linon here. Some passing nobles also stopped at a distance when they saw the scene.

She was angry. She couldn't understand this situation where she was the only one who didn't accept Lina and Kalis's sincere apologies and felt aggrieved.

If Seria Stern had been a little less firm, maybe she wouldn't be able to control her emotions and probably would even shed tears. It was also terrible that Kalis forgot about her pain and didn't let go of her wrist.

—Just let go of my wrist, Marquis Haneton.

She said, looking at Kalis.

—Instead of becoming your Lady, I won't see the Marquis forever from today.

—Are you really going to end this...?!

Kalis expressed his anger momentarily, naturally putting strength into his hand. It happened to be where her wound was.

Feeling the pain, she frowned.

Then, the knight spoke.

—Marquis Haneton, please step back.

When he tried to stop him, a low voice could be heard in her ears.

—She said to let her go.

She didn't know how, but at some point, she stumbled because she couldn't overcome the momentary reaction. However, Kalis lost her, and the person who caught her spoke.

—Marquis Haneton, are you deaf?

It was Lesche Berg.

In an instant, the hallway went silent. Kalis looked at the Duke, and the Duke also responded without trouble.

The eternal confrontation ended unexpectedly simply.

Lesche, who held her arm gently, frowned and tilted his head.

—My lady, I think your wound has reopened.

—Oh, yes. My wounds have reopened again.

—I will have to take you to the priest.

Lesche tried to take her to the main castle without hesitation, if only Kalis hadn't clenched his teeth.

—Your Highness, I will escort Lady Stern.

Lesche raised his eyebrows and then asked in a clearly displeased voice,

—Why would you?

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