Infinite Mage (Novel) Chapter 86


"It doesn't seem like that, does it? What on earth is this magic? It's not the usual Teacher. We'll all freeze to death at this rate."

Nade was equally puzzled. NoThere are hundreds of students here at the moment. It was hard to imagine that they, who had lost their memories, could withstand the minus 20-degree cold for long. However, the effect of putting pressure on Lucas was excellent. It was because when the body cells were cooled, the effectiveness of the Mitochondria Build would decrease.

"Damn it! It's driving me crazy!"

Especially where Lucas was, the wind chill made it feel even colder. Necrosis was progressing from the peripheral nerve.

This was the reason why high-level ice mages usually cast Blizzard to start a battle. Its killing power is not great, but it is a wide range magic and it gives dealt constant cold damage, so it was essential before the great swordsman.

"Anyway, it's annoying. These mages."

Lucas was fed up with wizards who harassed swordsmen with all kinds of strange magic. But it wasn't the time to give up. More than anything, her condition was not normal.

As the sharp ice spear flew through the blizzard, Lucas hurriedly threw himself away. However, due to his weakened Mitochondrial Build, he couldn't completely avoid it, and it grazed his side.

“Damn it!”

Most creatures tend to have reduced activity in low temperatures. Moreover, as he braved the cold to swing his sword, his fingertips already showed signs of frostbite.

'It seems the temperature has dropped further. Does she really want to kill us all?'

If even Schema users suffered from frostbite, the students should have already frozen to death. But in reality, only Lucas was trapped in Blizzard. The snowstorm, which had narrowed its range at some point, followed him with a focused mark.

Lucas, completely unaware of such a fact, bared his teeth at Sienna, who appeared through the Blizzard.

"Are you crazy? How long will this damn snowstorm last?"

Lucas stopped talking. Sienna's eyes still void. No emotions, thoughts, or even ego.

"No way..."

Lucas' shoulders trembled. The magic was remembered in the body, not the head.

Literally, the brain.

Just as swordsman acquire skills through endless repetitive training, Sienna had also reached a state where she could implement specific brainwave patterns even in a memory-loss state.

Repetition, and repetition again. She must have relentlessly driven her mind to death since birth.

'How much training has this woman done?'

His hair stood on end. The path of hardship she had walked, regardless of her skills, was drawn in his mind.

'Shit! It's not just like stepping on shit, this.'

He should escape at this point. No matter how much he liked gold coins, they were just metal scraps in front of his life.

Lucas mustered all his remaining strength and fled. He thought that once he escaped the Blizzard, he wouldn't be chased. However, that idea was nothing more than a fantasy, and in the end, he had to pay the price for showing his back to a 6th-rank certified mage.

Sienna raised a finger and pointed at Lucas, and after a while, Lucas screamed and was buried in the snow.


There was no pain. However, the two legs were missing, as if they had been cut off with scissors. Lucas twisted his back to examine his legs. He couldn't feel the slightest sensation in his frozen legs.

'No, that's ridiculous.'

It was Absolute Zero, which he had only heard about in rumors.

This magic, which could be called the pinnacle of Ice Magic, severely restricts particle activity through preservation and condensation.

By realizing the realm of Absolute Zero, Sienna became a certified 6th-rank mage at the age of only 20.

However, it was a magic that required enormous mental power to the extent that even she could only produce a local effect.

'Damn it! What a crappy school… All the students and teachers are monsters!'

Sienna cast the next magic with a calm expression. It was Glacier Bombing, an advanced magic derived from the pinnacle of preservation and condensation. As dozens of massive ice chunks appeared in the sky, Lucas's face turned pale. With his legs frozen, there was no way to avoid them. He could only entrust his life to the will of the heavens.

Nade and Iruki ran to the students. Although it was not a wide-area magic, the size of the glaciers was so huge that they couldn't be sure. As the frozen ice chunks slowly pushed each other away with their massive weight, an almond-shaped glacier began to fall towards the students.

Nade, running towards Arin, grabbed her shoulder and threw her to the ground.

"Kyah! What are you doing!"

“Evacuate the students! Otherwise, everyone will die!”

"No! There's not enough time!"

Iruki interrupted the two of them and shouted.

"I'll do it!"


Iruki gritted his teeth without even having time to answer. Could he really do it? It was a massive glacier weighing tens of tons. Even if he detonated an Atomic Bomb, the problem was the fragments shattered into dozens of pieces. Calculated by the size of the glacier, it will break a human head easily unless it was broken into at least 1,000 pieces.

'I have no choice but to try....'

Momentum can be predicted mathematically. If he could calculate the physical quantity of splitting the glacier, and then splitting it again, and again, he could cause an explosion before it crashed.

“Come heeeeerree!”

The disassembly-type Spirit Zone plunged into the center of the glacier. When the Atomic Bomb exploded through the detonation process of the available limit value, the glacier was excited and split into seven chunks.

Irukki activated the Double Spirit Zone and relentlessly fired Atomic Bombs, shattering the glacier.


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